“Travel far enough, you meet yourself.”

David Mitchell

I am simply and wholly enamored with the beauty and ripeness of life.

June 20, 2023

I saw this sign on a pile of junk during a morning walk. Could not pass it without snapping a photo. Had a feeling I would need to use it in my writing sooner or later. May I share a thought with you? As we travel through life, we may encounter detours. This type of road sign can make us feel weary, puzzled, maybe even annoyed, or am I the only one? I decided to look up the definition of detour and it simply means a route taken either to avoid something or to visit somewhere enroute. We often associate it with delay. I wonder if the detours on our journey are to show us something we would have otherwise missed. I can attest to finding beautiful backroads, hidden gems, and delightful encounters by taking uncommon paths.

June 12, 2023

The rain and the rainbows of life brought me to this point. All of these years, I went seeking out there for answers and meaning, acceptance and belonging. In the stillness, I came to truly understand that everything I need is already and always has been within.

Now I journey to uncover more delicious parts of my life, the intricacies of my thoughts, and the gift of meeting others who offer contrast and collaboration. I like seeing new landscapes. I like how life is full of ever-expanding treasures. I like that there are people with whom I cross paths and find resonance.

I travel to unfold and unlock hidden parts of myself and to discover secrets hidden in plain sight.

I am simply and wholly enamored with the beauty and ripeness of life.

live well,


My niece said while walking the trail at the Fiscalini Ranch Preserve in Cambria, California “I feel like I am walking in a painting”. I met a woman in that exact same spot a few months before who said ” I feel like I am walking in a dream”.

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  • Freida S says:

    Cambria is one of my favorite places in California. Reminds me I need to reorder some Olallieberry seedless jam.

    • Honey Child says:

      I didn’t know you liked the olallieberry treats. You already know how I feel about Cambria.
