Finding joy in hard seasons

I just left the doctor’s office.

Nothing big is going on, but you know how these things go. Listening to the person practicing medicine diagnose, prescribe, and move on to the next patient waiting in the room next to you. This post is not against doctors or science or medicine. I am grateful to those who dedicate their lives to our wellbeing. This post is a form of therapy, my very own space to share my heart with a trusted community of readers.

Driving away from the office, my entire mood changed and not for the better. I set a goal after this appointment to work on my blog at a coffeehouse until it was time for my yin yoga class. Now, I just wanted to find refuge in my home away from people, the busyness, the cares of this life. My afternoon plans no longer seemed appealing. Challenges, hard news, and difficult choices have a way of sucking the life out of us. Sitting in the car, I considered driving home, walking the dog, and tucking away into bed early. Daylight savings time would surely aid me with winding down quickly.

Motivation and desire escaped me. I propped open the door and let them slowly creep out. You know those romance movies where the love interest is making their way to a plane or a train and in a moment of sheer desperation the girl or the guy goes running to pledge their love to woo their person back? Well, that is how I was feeling when I sensed that motivation and desire were heading towards the door. I know what it takes to woo them back after they are gone and it ain’t always pretty. In no mood to experience the depth of apathy, numbness, and depression that accompanies their departure, I started the car and drove to the cafe to work on my blog. Staring at the blank computer screen, I muttered a short prayer under my breath “Lord, what do I write?”.

Chai oat milk latte, Abode Cafe

Here are 3 ways I find joy when I don’t feel like it:

1. Acknowledge my feeling whatever it might be in the moment. Understand that feelings are fluid and subject to change. I learned this in Jamaica from a wise rafting guide.

2. Start, just start driving, getting in the shower, walking to the kitchen to start the dishes. Action even when I may not feel like it builds momentum.

3. Mindfully choose one thing for which to be grateful. Gratitude is medicine for the soul. I believe this wholeheartedly.

My yoga instructor texted me as soon as I started this blog. I told her I will be seeing her in class tonight.

What are some of your practices to find joy when it is difficult?

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  • Susie says:

    Your writing stirs my soul. We are always walking this thing out called life together holding hands and praising God. Putting one foot in front of the other knowing we have Gods favor…love you so much 💕💕

    • Honey Child says:

      I always appreciate your support and encouragement. No matter the things we may face it is good to have trusted people to lean on. Thank you for being a source o strength always.
